
Monday, November 11, 2024

Behind the Scenes

This is our project's Behind-the-Scenes. I (Kenneth) did this.

Director: Max, Shannon
Cast: Max, Kenneth, Bams
Production company: Regents Media Production
Editor: Kenneth

Mise-en-Scene manager: Max, Bams

Filming Schedule

This is the filming schedule for our project. We did this together.








18 January 2024, 17:30

Taman Festival Bali

Maxine, Shannon, Kenneth, Bams

( possibly another dude )

Drone, Camera, Phones, Laptop, Car

Few other actor props to make it more immersive

We changed plans because 2 of our members cannot make it, and so we changed the shooting date to 20 January, where we will go there after school together to shoot.

Reflection: Initially we plan to shoot everything on this one location on Saturday. But the likeliness of getting everything done in just one day is doubtful, so if we need an extra day to shoot or retake some more scenes, Monday after school would be a good time.

Location Scout + Risk Assessment

This is the Location Scout and Risk Assessment for our project. Max and Shannon did these.



Taman Festival Bali, Padang Galak No.3


All scenes (camp, chasing, etc)

Advantages of location:

It's abandoned and can give the scary atmosphere that we are looking for. It is close to school

Disadvantages of Location:

May rain, may have bugs or snakes, no roof. May have to work around tourists


one of our houses

Risk Assessment


Who is at risk:

How to avoid risk:

High, Medium, Low risk:

1. dangerous animals

everyone involvedassess surroundings firstlow

2. Rain

everyone involved, equipmentCheck the weather app before we actually go there,  determining what date we are going to film in. 
Use a cover for the equipment that is not in use, take an umbrella 

3. Rocks and Pebbles, tripping hazard

Everyone InvolvedTo remove the rocks to decrease the risk of tripping or falling when filming the actors or when the camera person is filmingMedium

We struggled to find an appropriate location that delivers the mood we're trying to achieve in our film intro. But fortunately, after some more research and discussions, we decided to go to the place where I and my previous team went for shooting the ad project last term. Taman Festival Bali has the spooky abandoned buildings and massive forest, which should work great for our project.

Screen Test

This is the screen test for my group's film intro project.

This is the screen test. We did this as a class. We all participated to say a line from various genres.

Most people did not take the test very seriously, while some other are mostly too shy or nervous to act in front of the camera. I personally think it's a good start. Next time, I will probably ask them to do the test in private so they won't get distracted.


This is my group's screenplay for this term's project.

Scene 1

Actors: Max, Bams, Kenneth


Max as Max

Bams as Greg

Kenneth as Kenneth


[In the forest, fire crackling. Shot cuts to inside the tent. 2 Teenage boys and 1 girl playing an ouija board.]

Kenneth: I'm hungry, I'm gonna get a snack real quick

[Kenneth gets up and goes to the car to grab a snack, potato chips]

[killer kills Kenneth]

Max: its been like 10 minutes, where is he?

[Bams gets up to go look for Kenneth, sees snack on the ground, Kenneth nowhere to be seen]

Bams: what the-

[Max's scream can be heard from the distance, cuts to black and title]

(if need extra scene)

[scene cuts to intense music, atmosphere, shaky camera, dim lighting, and running, max/bams hiding from killer from behind the pillar]

Max: (heavy breaths, POV shot with shaky camera and flashlight.)

[killer suddenly grabs Max from behind, camera falls to the ground facing to the right of them, allowing just a limited distance for the killer to be seen dragging max]

Max: yells are muffled with cloth on mouth

This screenplay helps us evaluate all the props we will need to prepare before the day of shooting. This also provides with a better visualisation on our plans for this film intro.


This is the storyboard for our team's project: horror film 2-minute intro. Shannon did the storyboard.

Below is the rough sketch of the plans for our storyboard. It was then redrawn with more details added as we had some more ideas and changes. As an example, we initially planned to shoot in a forest and have the story be about camping. However due to difficulties finding a location that we wanted, we decided to shoot at an abandoned place, instead. This new place is much closer to our homes and can still deliver the uneasy atmosphere that we were looking for.

Rough sketch:

This first process was important because we needed to put our ideas on paper and this rough storyboard helped guide us create the more in-depth storyboard below.

Detailed sketch:

We put in too much time making the first 4 shots, so we decided to simply the drawings slightly for the later shots.

After some discussion with the group, we decided to make scene 6 a little longer and add another scene before the title screen, so shot 7a was later added.

This storyboard helps us plan things more effectively and have a clear guidance when doing the shooting.