
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Typeface Development; Title + Credits

This is the title and credit ideas as well as the typeface decisions for this project.

Title ideas:

  • Silent whisper 
  • Silent stalker
  • Dark secrets
  • The haunting shadow
  • Whispers in the dark
  • In the shadows
  • Sinister Lurker
  • The night's prey
  • Dark pursuits
  • Veil of fear
  • Silent terror
  • Lurking shadows
  • Behind the shadows

Typeface ideas:

Thinker (capcut)
Thinker-RG (capcut)
Relax (capcut)
Ravenly (capcut)
Merchande-Rgh (capcut)
Sticky (capcut)
IM FELL (capcut)

Production: Organizing Footage

This blog post shows all the device and apps we used to help our production process.

Raw footages we took for our movie intro project:

WhatsApp to communicate with the group members

Google Drive to download & store footage

After Effects 2025 
to perform more advanced visual effects on the raw footages

Premiere Pro 2025 
to compile all the edited clips together and add final touches

How Does it Help?

It helped with sharing the files to others so, instead of one person that only has the access to the footage, everyone in our group has the access to the shared file this minimizes more work with exporting through communication apps such as WhatsApp as the app reduces the resolution and quality of the video which ruins the whole immersive aspect of the film opening. In addition to that, our editors used After Effects the latest version which has more features such as the CGI as we have an idea of using CGI although, it may look off that is why we are still figuring out the editing process with the editor to make the audience feel immersive and more realistic and since it is the latest version of the editing software, there may be less glitches or bugs during editing which can ruin the edited footage because technology improves overtime. We also used WhatsApp to show the part where the editor is finished with the video so we can see segments of the video so we can make less mistakes instead of showing the full clip and finding it all in one that way, we also used that app to communicate when and where do we group up and shoot and we talked about other important things within that app.

Post-Production: Editing

I'm doing the editing for this movie intro project.

Production: Behind-the-Scenes

The behind the Scenes was originally my task, but due to other more demanding tasks that needed to be done, this section got delayed. Now Max will complete it.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Screen Test: Audience Feedback

This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our film opening to some members of our target audience in order to receive helpful feedback. Shannon did the form

The purpose of a screen test is to gain audience feedback about our work and see if their are any improvements that can be made. We decided to use google forms to create a survey to share with our audience because it is convenient to use.

Form link:

Here are our questions: 

1. What do you like about this horror movie introduction 

2. What are your thoughts on the characters of the movie ?

3. What can we improve on ?

4. Which movie title for this horror movie ?

5. if all of these feedbacks were implemented in this movie opening would you watch the rest of the movie?

6. If in the previous question you answer no then why?

We chose these questions because… We showed the clip to (number) members of our target audience to ensure that the feedback we receive is appropriate. Finding people for the screen test was easy because we asked people online to fill out the survey, which is very simple and easy to do. Here is the draft that we showed audiences for the screen test: 

Here are the results from the audience feedback:

Screenshots/copy and paste etc (just make sure that it is clear) 

From the feedback we learned…..

We are going to change….

This screen test was a useful part of our process because….

Reflection: How did this screen test help your overall project? How will you improve this next time?